A and A Game Engineering

Quality Wargames Rules since 1996

Perfidious Albion

Naval Wargames Rules for the Pre-Dreadnought Era

by John Hurst


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The game system uses a broadside ship plan to record both the ship game details and the damage caused by shooting. Guns, turrets, conning tower, propulsion, steering gear, magazines and quick firers are all shown, and the damage system records hits and resulting damage. Also included are ship’s crew skills, differences in technology, armour penetration and torpedoes, weather, etc. The rules also allow for torpedo resolution and the use of mines.

The Dockyard Manual is part of the rules, enabling the player to design his own ships for the game, either from historical sources or his imagination. Technological variety is allowed for, so that ships can range from early ironclads to modern (for 1910) warships. The booklet also includes some sample ships built using the design system.

For pre-prepared Ship Grids for these rules, try Fighting Fleets. You can also purchase Perfidious Albion and Fighting Fleets as a Bundle from WargameVault. Bundles offer a reduced price for both titles, and an indicative price is shown in the Product Summary box on the left. A link to the product page on WargameVault is shown in the box on the right.

Link to the Fighting Fleets page on this site.


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Quick Reference Sheets

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Rules Support

Templates for Fort, Commerce Raid and Shore Bombardment Targets, Torpedo Fire Templates, Turning Circles and a “Move Stick”, as well as blank Ship Record Grids for use with these rules are available in the following PDF:

Rules Support Package for Perfidious Albion


There are no Clarifications at the moment.


There are no Errata at the moment.

Rules Updates

The following Rule Supplements are available for use with Perfidious Albion:

A Campaign System for Perfidious Albion.

Perfidious Albion Campaigns (2004)

Victorian Fantasy Scenarios for Perfidious Albion

Perfidious Albion Victorian Fantasy (2004)

These rules are broadly based on H.G.Wells' book "War in the Air" and introduce the use of extremely early types of aircraft and balloons into your battles using Perfidious Albion.

"War in the Air" (2004)

New Data

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